Privacy Policy

Our site’s registration form requires you to give us contact information like your name and email address. We use this contact information from the registration form to send you information about our company.

1-Security :

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and/or alteration of the information under our control. The data resides behind a firewall, with access restricted to authorized Direct IT Inc personnel.

2-Refund policy :

If you are not satisfied with Direct IT Incrop services you can directly contact us within 30 days to receive a refund. Refunds requested more than 30 days after your initial service date will not be issued unless the transaction was subject to a fraudulent purchase. The transaction was subject to a fraudulent purchase.If you are issued a refund, It should appear on your credit card statement within 72 hours. Upon receiving your refund you must uninstall and stop using any of our Flyer designed services. The Direct IT Incorp refund policy applies to services purchased directly from Direct IT Incorp.
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